Tuesday, May 12


i still get surprised at how sh!tty every single picture of a tattoo
i've ever taken always seems to be.
i mean it.
no matter how fresh it looks in person,
and how excited i am about my time with good clients who've got good ideas,
the evidence points to me being a flippin' big loser.
no matter what it is, really,
the picture is worth a thousand unkind words.
every time, even.
i spent yesterday working on one of my cooler clients,
zappin' and zippin' skulls and fire an' that all up and down
his lightning-striking viking sleeve.
it's got healing parts, and shiny skin, and wax-papery semi-fresh lines,
and if you've ever photographed tattoos,
you know that all of those things contribute to a slightly inaccurate
record-keeping of the finished product.
what a hard style.
i s'pose that's just what i get, though, neighbors-
talking sh!t all day about the trying times and taxing tests of will and worth
at a job you're unwelcome and unappreciated at probably cultivates a whole
lot of funky fugue F*ery and miasmal atmosphere
all around the source of that discontentedness.
i'd like to think that i can affect my environment that electromagnetically.
....because environmental area affectation through emotional emanations
sounds like it'd be pretty dang cool to me.
except when it disrupts my digital documentation of my work.
womp womp.
check the teleport:
skulls and stuff.
my favorite.
swollen skin and earth/skin tones?
i'd hate to have proof that i still do tattoos that don't suck.
after all,
a long-dead career should be hard to resurrect.
that's a thing.
i'm just grumpy about the four shades of beige-ish you can't see in the pictures.
the good news?
plenty more tattooing is on the schedule today.
i think there might even be some tribal.
that's more like it.
smears of black spiky slap-in-the-face steady grindin'-
reminding me that a better fate than this awaits me nearly anywhere.
it takes ever-hardening styles to make the point clearer sometimes.
consider the lesson learned, friends.
what happens next is anyone's guess,
but i know it can't only be more of all of THIS.
never quiet, never soft.....

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