Thursday, January 8


i sang the song,
we sang the song,
the song was sung.
happy biiiiiiiiiiirthday, dear albie......
that one.
and then i made wish,
and blew out my candle:
and i spared another 'nother wishful thought,
when i sliced a slab off of the main circle.
that's what you're s'posed to do,
when you're doing the whole cakey thing, kids.
and overall,
i had a good day, too.
i mean,
no jokes,
i saw a majestic and enormous bald F*ing eagle fly overhead,
watching out for me on my special day,
clearly protecting my butthole from the rapey parts of maine.
maybe he was jealous of MY bald majesty,
because he should've protected me from the weird lettuce at the lunch spot.
but alas, that wasn't part of his job description apparently.....
uh huh.
i had myself a little bit of a bellyache,
and a whole lot of very fast pooping,
as a special present from mr. eagle and/or the secret universal plan.
that's always a good time.
how much fun is travel without lots of exxxtra bathroom time?
i wasn't about to let that ruin my big action activation,
and i wasn't gonna let a little stomach pain prevent me from fighting back.
i'm a goddamned hamden warrior poet, for goodness' sake,
and a little sh!t-salad blitzkrieg isn't gonna break my back, brother.
we took it a little bit easy on the outdoor walking,
but we also ate too much,
we drove a whole heck of a lot,
and we stayed as warm as we could.
because too much is the right amount,
and you don't stop choosing the wrench just because it's a birthdate,
we ate some more. and a little bit more after that, too...
and then we had dessert.
the laughs and the looks and the times, neighbors,
were all as rewarding as i could've ever even hoped for...
...and i surprised myself with a pure and simple day off.
getting older and older and more busted and broke and broken
has taught me a whole lot about the relative worth of MY berfday
versus the overdosing of appreciation i expend on others.
i know what's up.
i don't need a big deal made,
i just need to span time in an expressive and affectionate way.
that's what i needed, and that's what i got,
and i am grateful for the time i was given.
i was with amber,
and she treated me to all the treats from breakfast until second dinner.
and for that,
she has my thanks!
it was a good day, like i said.
it's -22 degrees on the fahrenheit scale,
and that's just plain mean spirited.
ma nature is incapable of allowing a good time to persist,
and i'm more than aware of it in this gelid Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
the woodsly goodness is frozen solid,
and nobody is outside,
unless they're OBVIOUSLY an A*-hole.
i've got on all the layers,
and it's hard to move.
this morning is an arctic blast of b!tchbaggery,
and it's clearly the aftermath exchange for not hating
my ethiopian christmas holiday happy times.
it all costs something,
and the bill is due, payable in ice and frostbite.
nature wins-
you knew it wouldn't be otherwise;
never quiet, never soft.....

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