Thursday, October 9


but, i mean,
you feel it right?
pulsing, like thunderous heartbeat drumbeats inside you.
don't you?
oh, shuuuuut up, you big fat pants-on-fire liar.
i know you feel it too.
that blood moon.
the fullest and most important magnetic circle of
werewolfen bright bright bright nighlight illumination,
pulling and pushing and tugging and tearing away at you.
because that's a thing,
and it happens every time.
berserker gypsy jauns,
going to eleven with that savage stormswept raging cast-iron fenris sh!t.
it's good for you.
or at least,
it's fantastic for staying up late and getting things going.
that's no joke.
that's not even the moon!!
i mean it.
it's actually just a weird light i made for hallowe'en fun times.
i found myself, in the small hours of the night,
in the polarized powergrid of that wolfman-style full moon beaming down into
my kitchen through the skylights onto my own shiny circle of hairlessness,
and then,
i got so excited at how milky and luminous and round it that light is,
i had to draw a parallel and snap a shot for your faces.
blood moon, kids.
howlin' mad,
and achingly awake;
never quiet, never soft.....

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