Thursday, September 11


there's no room on any countertops.
that's for real.
now i'm on the floor.
that's slowly filling up, too.
i'll just be outside,
i am getting all kinds of rad stuff, though.
like what?
like clear magic lights, that strobe and sh!t.
the thing is,
i keep getting more and more and more and more...
and that, in turn, leads to even less space,
and extra projects,
and all of it is underway at all hours in the Folk Life & Liberty Fortress.
it makes for  hard styles and headaches and heavy traffic from room to room
for all the pieces to puzzle out and put together .
i'm burying myself in parts of parts and bits of flash and dazzle.
i'll have something to show for it besides a ruin of a room,
and a wreck of a kitchen.
i'm still baking.
i'm not an actual A*-hole, after all.
i've got rain outside spoiling my spray-paintables,
and i've got too many free-floating slow-going gadgets to glue,
and there's no keeping track of any of it,
even with a labyrinthine crazy-brain spanning across time and space
to create all of this play-pretend make-believability come true.
i'm swamped with tasks i've set myself,
and there's still so much that needs doing in my daily real life routine, too.
i guess that sleep isn't really an option these nights.
and wide awakefulness is keeping me slim and trim and purple-bagged around the eyes.
you know the rules-
stay ugly, stay dope.
i've got hours of cutting and sanding tiny details you'll never notice, neighbors.
this is the way it all starts.
chaos makes for order in the long run;
never quiet, never soft.....

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